When You Are Through Changing, You Are Through

© Rick Sammon
"I'm not hip and young, and I really don't fit in."

"I think we have learned all we can learn."

These comments were made my two photographers I know - both of whom are younger than I am.

My advice to these very good photographers would be to think about this well-known quote: When you are through changing, you are through."

© Rick Sammon
We need to change, especially in this world of social media. 

We need to change (and to keep up) with new plug-ins and versions of Lightroom and Photoshop.

We need change to grow. We need change to keep healthy . . . because "learning is health."

And on the topic of health, we need to be physically healthy to be mentally healthy.


© Rick Sammon
If you need some inspiration to change, just look at a butterfly . . , which starts out as a crawling sack of goo and is magically transformed into a beautiful flying creature.

I took these three pictures are of the same (exact same) animal: a dagger wing.

So if you feel as though you are through, please think again. As Dr. Wayne Dyer suggests in his book Real Magic, we are in control of our own reality to a great degree

A closing thought (another famous quote): It's never too late to be who you could have been.

Explore the light,

P.S. You'll find more inspirational quotes and pictures of butterflies in my Life Lessons We Can Learn From Mother Nature and Butterfly Wonders apps.