On my workshops I try to Inspire you to make better photographs. You will Create original images – on site and in the digital darkroom. And you will feel as though you Belong - belong to great group of photographers who like to have a ton of fun with their photography.
Click here to see all my 2015 workshops.
Click here to see my 2016 workshops.
What's the best thing photographers learn on my workshops? Click on the image above to find out.
Here's what some past participants say about my workshops.
I like to make learning fun, which is exactly what do on my photography workshops. We get up early and stay out late to catch the light. We process our images - in Lightroom and Photoshop - on site and have a group slide show at the end of each workshop.
If you can't make a live workshop, I have virtual workshops/seminars on line at KelbyOne.
Private and semi-private workshops (photography and Photoshop) – in the US and around the world – are available, too. Shoot me an email for info.
New to my workshops? Check out these posts:
We Have a Ton of Fun
Set Goals
Close Encounters with Force Fields and Space Ships
How Come I'm Not Getting the Shots?
Bad Workshops Behavior
Why I Enjoy Teaching
On my workshops we grow as photographers and make new friends. We share our images. My students do wonderful work. Click here or on the image above to see the work of the workshop students.
If you have any questions about my workshops, you can always email me. You can also call: 914 271 6132.
Check out my top digital photography travel tips on The Grid.
Looking for a great deal on the great gear I use. Click on this link.
Important stuff to know.
1) Everyone is welcome! However, you must know how to use your camera.
2) You should know how to shoot on the Manual Exposure mode. I can help you with that.
3) If you have a PC, please know where to find stuff. I am a Mac person. We often, but not always, have PC folks on the workshops who can help you, but I use a Mac. My workshops are photography workshops, not computer workshops.
4) For some workshops, you should have Photomatix Pro and HDR Efex Pro downloaded on your laptop before the workshop. You can get a discount on both programs here.
5) Travel/trip cancellation insurance is recommended, as it is for any trip you would take.