Family Photo Tips All This Week. Day 3: Capture the Action

Left: Peak of action shot of my son, Marco. Right: Basic action shot of Marco and his pal Adrian.
I am have fun getting my pictures and photo tips together for my talk on family photography at the Upper West Side Apple store on February 26th in NYC. 

While I am in the family photo mood, I thought I'd post some of my favorite family photos and tips here on my blog - along with some of my travel photographs that illustrate the same basic techniques.

Today's Tip: Capture the Action - and shoot for the peak of action.

Sports pictures that capture the peak of action are often more impressive than sports pictures that simply capture the action.

To capture the peak of action:
• Try to anticipate the action and be ready to shoot at that moment.
• Set your camera on rapid frame advance.
• Set your camera to AI Servo focus (focus tracking).

As you can see in the photographs above and below, capturing action also works when photographing animals.

Explore the light,