Outline for my creativeLive Class: Free During the Class - about $6 an hour to purchase

Here's the class outline for my upcoming cL class:

Exploring the Light.

I hope you can join the info-packed and fun-filled event. Sign up today!

It's free during the class, and only about $6 an hour ($99 divided by about 15 hours of training) to purchase. Kinda cool.

Day 1: Friday, October 21

9 am - Class (and fun) begin!

Welcome/Class Outline with Slides - and some photo tips, of course. Also, a walk through on the different lighting sets: Speedlites, Small Strobes, Small Constant Lights, Spiderlites, Indoor Available Light.

Setting Goals/Four Levels of Learning.  

Rick’s Best Easy, Affordable and Totally Cool Speedlite Shots. Affordable is key here. Hey, if you have a Westscott Apollo and a speedlite  you can "Shoot Along With Rick™."

-- Lunch --

Interview with David Ziser.

The Camera Looks Both Ways — People Photography. My best shots from around the world.

What Does Your Photography Mean to You? I want to hear from you during the class.

Speedlite Shooting Session. Another quick, affordable, cool tip.

BTW: If you like my speedlite tips, check out my 24/7 Photo Buffet app and Light It! app on my apps page. For hands on learning, join one of my Master Your Flash courses.

Day 2: Saturday, October 22

9 am - Class (and fun) begin!

Business of Photography/Self Promotion/Social Media Marketing. It's a business, ya know :-)

Continuous Lighting / Home Studio Part I: One light with accessories.

-- Lunch --

Interview with Hal “Bull” Schmitt. Topic: Fighter Pilot Lessons Applied to Photographers.

Continuous Lighting / Home Studio Part II: Three lights.

What Does Your Photography Mean to You? I want to hear from more of you during the class!

Speedlite Shooting Sessions. Another quick, affordable, cool tip.

Day 3: Sunday, October 23

9 am - Class (and fun) begin!

Travel Photography. Not just pretty pictures. Practical tips, too.

Macro Photography. We'll photograph butterflies in the studio......

Interview with Catherine Hall.

Rick's Photo Philosophies (one liners). Practical advice for photographers.

What Does Your Photography Mean to You? If I have not heard from you, now is the time.

After three days, the students shoot Rick!

Explore the light,

P.S. If you are new to my work, you'll find my latest photographs and tips, tricks and techniques in my apps.