Have a Good Book Idea? Team With An Expert... or Three

Yesterday's post featuring my butterfly picture (taken in my kitchen, by the way) got me looking through my butterfly picture folder, which features the photographs I took while working on my book, Flying Flowers.

In my seminars, I talk about working on that book, and how I hired three butterfly experts – Alan Chin Lee, Gary Noel Ross, Ph.D., and Tom Emmel, Ph. D. – to help me with the text.

Those experts added credibility to the book, which is important for any book and author.

If you have an idea for book and if you are not an expert on a subject, seek one out. He or she may be an expert and not a great photographer. Your timing may be just right. You might make a great team - which is attractive to book publishers.

These pictures were taken in Mexico at the over-wintering site of the monarch butterflies – where 30 million monarch gather each winter.

How did I get there? The experts invited me. :-)

See, it pays to network.

Explore the Light,