See the Light, Capture the Light

To celebrate the publication of my new book, Confessions of a Compact Camera Shooter (which is also great for entry-level SLR shooters), I will be posting some tips from the book over the next few weeks.

Here is tip #2: See the Light and Capture the Light.

These three pictures, all taken in the same location and cropped, illustrate why the quality of light is so important.

In the top image, the quality of light is simply fantastic, created by the morning fog and the rising sun. Talk about the luck of being in the right place at the right time!

The middle picture, taken at after sunrise, has a nice quality… but not as nice as the top image – because the fog is missing.

The bottom picture is boring due to the poor quality of light. It was taken just before sunrise on a clear day.

Want great light quality in your pictures? Get up early and stay out late and shoot during what pros call “the golden hours.”

Here's another tip: Don't underestimate the importance of cropping. For me, this scene screamed pano - so I cropped the pictures to the pano format.

FYI: 90 percent of the pictures in my "Confessions" book were taken with a Canon G10. I have since upgraded to the G11. To see all my gear (yes I still use my SLRs!!), click here.

Explore the Light,