Two of My Favorite Discs

Fred Morrison, the inventor of the flying disc we know as the Frisbee, died earlier this month at the age of 90. He was a cool dude.

The Frisbee is still one of my favorite discs; lots of fun to toss around.

Another one of my favorite discs is the ExpoDisc – basically a custom white balancing device that fits over your lens like a filter.

The ExpoDisc is also fun to use, because it helps me get accurate skin tones of the strangers that I photograph in strange lands - like this Tariano woman who I photographed on a trip to Brazil. Oh yeah, I also use it closer to home to photographed family and friends.

I could tell you how easy it is to use the ExpoDisc, as well as why it's important, but my friends Eddie Tapp and Judy Host (among other pros) do a great job here.

Explore the Light,
P.S. Here are some more pictures and some info from that Brazil trip.