Today's tip (still from Laos): Sharpen Selectively and Sharpen as a Final Step
One of the cool features in Adobe Photoshop CS5 is Convert for Smart Filters. Using this feature, you can apply a filter as you would use an adjustment and an adjustment layer – painting in and out an effect.
This picture started out as three RAW files. First, I used Nik's HDR Efex Pro to create an HDR image. Then I applied the Spicify effect in Topaz Adjust. As a final step, I sharpened everything in the scene except the soft and beautiful water.
Also, if you sharpen earlier in the image-processing process, and then adjust the contrast, for example, you have an chance of over-sharpening an image.
Explore the light,
P.S. For info on HDR Efex Pro (and a discount) and Topaz, click here.