Cast Your Vote For My creativeLive Class

Those of you who have attended my workshops know that I focus on the students – so much so that sometimes I don't notice what else is going on around me.

Above: On a workshop in Montana, I was helping a student find a custom function setting on his camera and I did not notice that a bear cub was about to crawl up my leg, until it was too late. Yet, I was able to squeeze off a shot . . . before the bear took a quick bite. Ouch!

Now my voice is much higher in pitch.

That incident, however, has not stopped me from teaching and from sharing my enthusiasm for helping photographers make better pictures - so I am very much looking forward to one of my next major teaching gigs . . . where, as usual, I will be focusing on the student's needs.

On Oct 21, 22 and 23, I'll be teaching a class called "My Specialty is Not Specializing" on creativeLIVE.

Below are the topics I can cover. I plan to cover as many as possible. (I'm from New York and I talk fast.)

You Choose the Topics You'd Like To See Me Teach

- Tips for Photographing Bear Cubs!
- My Photo Philosophies (Thinking is just as important as shooting.)
- Studio Lighting on a Budget
- Setting Up a Home Studio
- Basic Studio Lighting
- Speedlight Shooting
- HDR Photography
- People Photography
- Self-Promotion/Social Media - The Business Side of Photography
- Close-up Photography
- Some Photoshop Stuff
- Pro Interviews
- What Does Your Photography Mean To You?
- Life Lessons We Can Learn From Mother Nature

Remember, it's up to you to choose the topics you'd like to see. Cast your vote in the Comments section here on my blog.

As an FYI, when I posted a poll about the classes a few months ago, the top requested classes were:

- Studio Lighting on a Budget
- Setting Up a Home Studio
- Self-Promotion - The Business Side of Photogrpahy
- Speedlite Shooting

To sign up for the class and for more info, click here.

I hope you can make the class. It's will be a unique learning experience.

Hey, if you are not following me on twitter, click here to keep up with all the stuff I'm doing.

Explore the light,