Workshop Digital Diaries: San Miguel de Allende - Day 2

It's the end of day #2 of my workshop here in San Miguel de Allende for Foto Workshops Mexico.

 Soooo tired after a long day of shooting. But before I pass out, here are a few of my favorite photos from today's shoots - as well as some tips. Some of these shots were taken in a ghost town that's about an hour away from San Miguel.

Above: Work with shadows. To get shots like this, you need to get up early in the morning or stay out late in the afternoon. You also need to give the subject specific directions.

Above: You don't always need to fill the frame with the subject. Shoot wide and take what is called an environmental portrait - the subject in the environment.

Above: Embrace the distortion of a fish-eye lens. Here you see straight ahead and straight up at the same time. Canon 15mm lens, Canon 5D Mark II.

Above: Shoot at angles to add a sense of depth to an image.

Above: Shoot through objects to give the viewer of your photograph the feeling of being there.


Above: Shoot at f/22 to get a starburst of the sun in your pictures.

I hope to see you in San Miguel in 2012. Shoot me an email to get on my workshop list.

What makes this San Miguel workshop special - and different - is that is run by folks who live in Mexico.

Explore the light,

P.S. I am feeling the love on my Mexico Exploring the Light workshop!  :-)