This is Part II of a two-part post on The Photographer's Eye. Click here to read Part I.
As a photographer, you see the world differently than a non-photographer. That's kinda cool.
You look at the world around you, as opposed to someone who just sees the world - which is akin to listening to music as opposed to hearing music. Big difference.
And speaking of the photographer's vision, here are some things to think about.
Above: Look for elements you - or viewers of your photographs - may recognize. Do you see the heart in the water under the pier.
Above: Always envision the end result in the digital darkroom – as I did when I photographed these emperor penguins in Antarctica.
Above: Look for shadows in a scene. Shadows are the soul of the photograph.
Above: Get inspired by looking at the work of master painters, as I did when I saw the painting - Girl with a Pearl Earring by Vermeer.
Above: See the light - the contrast range in a scene, as well as the direction, color and quality of light. It's all about light.
Above: Know when to shoot HDR - when the contrast range is extreme.
The image above was created with Photomatix. You can save 15% when you order Photomatix by using this code: ricksammon.
If you would like to join other photographers who enjoy seeing and picturing their world, join one of my workshops. We see and shoot all day long. I can also show you some Photoshop and Lightroom enhancements.
Explore the light,
P.S. If you can't make a workshop, my app, Rick Sammon's 24/7 Photo Buffet, has many examples of seeing.