Death Valley Photography Workshop: Feb 23- 26, 2012

Photograph © Randy Van Duinen
If you like landscape, travel and HDR photography, my Death Valley Workshop is for you!

I'll be teaching with Randy Van Duinen and Jeff Leimbach – the guys who head up The Digital Photo Workshops - in one of the harshest places on earth . . .  which is also an incredible location for photography.

If you have been to Photoshop World, you know Randy and Jeff. And if you have been to PSW, you are probably a NAPP member - so you get $100 off the cost of the workshop.

What's more, all workshop participants will get onOne's Perfect Effects 3 for free! That's a $99 value.
Photograph © Randy Van Duinen
Randy, Jeff and I will be there to help you get great landscape photographs. We'll also help you improve your HDR, Photoshop and Lightroom skills. What could be more fun!

Speaking of HDR, I will be using Nik Software's HDR Efex Pro. If you don't have this cool plug-in, you can get a 15 discount on the Nik web site by using this code: RSAMMON.
Photographs © Randy Van Duinen
Click here for more info on the workshop. If you join the workshop, I recommend these two filters.

For now, here are my top landscape photography tips:
1) Try to get the entire scene in focus. Use a wide-angle lens, small aperture and focus 1/3 into the scene.
2) Use a polarizing filter to darken the sky and brighten white clouds.
3) Use a tripod. It will slow you down.
4) Keep the horizon line level.
5) Shoot from low angles - as Randy did in the first two shots here.
6) Remember that shadows add a sense of depth and dimension to your photographs.
7) Use a lens hood or shade your lens - watch for lens flare, which can ruin a picture.
8) Don't place the horizon line in the center of the frame.

We hope to see you in the desert!
Explore the light,