Photograph © Randy Van Duinen |
If you like landscape, travel and HDR photography, my Death Valley Workshop is for you!
I'll be teaching with Randy Van Duinen and Jeff Leimbach – the guys who head up The Digital Photo Workshops - in one of the harshest places on earth . . . which is also an incredible location for photography.
If you have been to Photoshop World, you know Randy and Jeff. And if you have been to PSW, you are probably a NAPP member - so you get $100 off the cost of the workshop.
What's more, all workshop participants will get onOne's Perfect Effects 3 for free! That's a $99 value.
Randy, Jeff and I will be there to help you get great landscape photographs. We'll also help you improve your HDR, Photoshop and Lightroom skills. What could be more fun!
Speaking of HDR, I will be using Nik Software's HDR Efex Pro. If you don't have this cool plug-in, you can get a 15 discount on the Nik web site by using this code: RSAMMON.
Click here for more info on the workshop. If you join the workshop, I recommend these two filters.
For now, here are my top landscape photography tips:
1) Try to get the entire scene in focus. Use a wide-angle lens, small aperture and focus 1/3 into the scene.
2) Use a polarizing filter to darken the sky and brighten white clouds.
3) Use a tripod. It will slow you down.
4) Keep the horizon line level.
5) Shoot from low angles - as Randy did in the first two shots here.
6) Remember that shadows add a sense of depth and dimension to your photographs.
7) Use a lens hood or shade your lens - watch for lens flare, which can ruin a picture.
8) Don't place the horizon line in the center of the frame.
We hope to see you in the desert!
Explore the light,
I'll be teaching with Randy Van Duinen and Jeff Leimbach – the guys who head up The Digital Photo Workshops - in one of the harshest places on earth . . . which is also an incredible location for photography.
If you have been to Photoshop World, you know Randy and Jeff. And if you have been to PSW, you are probably a NAPP member - so you get $100 off the cost of the workshop.
What's more, all workshop participants will get onOne's Perfect Effects 3 for free! That's a $99 value.
Photograph © Randy Van Duinen |
Speaking of HDR, I will be using Nik Software's HDR Efex Pro. If you don't have this cool plug-in, you can get a 15 discount on the Nik web site by using this code: RSAMMON.
Photographs © Randy Van Duinen |
For now, here are my top landscape photography tips:
1) Try to get the entire scene in focus. Use a wide-angle lens, small aperture and focus 1/3 into the scene.
2) Use a polarizing filter to darken the sky and brighten white clouds.
3) Use a tripod. It will slow you down.
4) Keep the horizon line level.
5) Shoot from low angles - as Randy did in the first two shots here.
6) Remember that shadows add a sense of depth and dimension to your photographs.
7) Use a lens hood or shade your lens - watch for lens flare, which can ruin a picture.
8) Don't place the horizon line in the center of the frame.
We hope to see you in the desert!
Explore the light,