photo therapy

Pandemic Productivity & Creativity: You Don't Drown by Falling in Water; You Only Drown if You Stay There

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“You don't drown by falling in water; you only drown if you stay there.”

That Zig Ziglar quote sounds kinda funny, but it sure is true – especially during this worldwide pandemic where many of us have “fallen in the water.”

Breaking my ankle and having major surgery in July of 2021 compounded (greatly) my personal experience of “sailing in rough seas” during the “tidal wave” of pandemic.

At times, like many of you, I felt as though the “water was rising” – especially with how the business side of photography was being affected. However, being the positive person that I am, I found a “life preserver” that pulled me to safety: a life preserver of productivity and creativity.

I share my story with you with the hope of giving you some encouragement if you feel as though you are falling beneath the waves – and to illustrate how being productive and creative is important, some may say essential, for the health of the mind and body . . . and your business.

To begin . . . In the early stages of the pandemic I started the Photo Therapy Facebook Group - a safe place with no politics, and a place where members could share their photographs and get honest feedback. Today we have more than 5,000 members worldwide who find posting their photographs and sharing their stories very therapeutic and rewarding. Yes, I hope you can join the photo fun and photo learning!

As part of the Photo Therapy Facebook group, I set up a Photo Therapy YouTube channel. Here my friend Linda Marshall hosts Monday Meditation, and I share slide shows (that’s me on piano) of some of the members’ photographs . What fun!

Productivity and creativity to the rescue 1.0.

I came up with the idea for the Facebook group after receiving lots of positive feedback on my all-pictures-and-no-words book, Photo Therapy Motivation and Wisdom – discovering the power of pictures, which was published two years earlier.

Shortly after starting the Photo Therapy Facebook Group I came up with the idea for another inspirational book, Photo Quest - discovering your photographic and artistic voice. I felt as though the pandemic was the perfect time for photographers to find their voice. Many of my pro photographer friends agreed, and contributed to the book, hence the “All-Star Photo Mentors” in the credit line.

Productivity and creativity to the rescue 2.0.

No rest for the weary. After publishing Photo Quest, which was another book with no photographs, I thought I should do a book with photographs. As I was about to turn 70, I thought a memoir of my world travels with some of my favorite photographs might be the way to go. Acting on my idea, I published Photo Pursuit: Stories Behind the Photographs – a travel photographer’s memoir. It’s an Ebook that is readable on any device.

I also set up a Gallery with the Photo Pursuit photographs here on my web site.

Productivity and creativity to the rescue 3.0.

Several months into the pandemic KelbyOne started live on-line training sessions - which are separate from my standard classes. From late 2020 to mid-2021 I record 12 live sessions during four conference, my sessions at Photoshop World 2021 being some of my favorites.

Productivity and creativity to the rescue 4.0.

During the pandemic, because I and virtually all of my pro photographer friends were spending most of our time on the business side of photography, I thought a book on the business side of photography would be helpful for serious photographers who like to make a few bucks with their photography. How to Make Money While You Are Sleeping grew out of that idea. Here, too, many of my photo friends contributed. They are credited as the “All-Star Photo Coaches.”

Click here to read the Introduction and Chapter One.

The book is available in paperback and as an Ebook.

Productivity and creativity to the rescue 5.0.

Wanting to keep busy (even with a broken ankle and stuck in bed and a wheel chair) – and to keep from drowning (mostly emotionally) – I wondered, “What else could do to generate income and, more important, have some fun?” Launching the app - Rick Sammon’s Composition Plus: Iceland Edition - was the answer.

Productivity and creativity to the rescue 6.0.

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Breaking my ankle in Mt. Rainer in July 2021 (the day before one of my workshops was about to begin) was not fun. It took nine rangers to carry me out of the park! The pain was unbearable. That’s the bad news.

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The accident required major surgery. While at home, as you saw in the opening image for this post, I started exercising soon after the operation – exercising the parts of my body that were in good shape so I’d be in better shape when I could fully exercise.

Productivity and creativity to the rescue 7.0.

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Part of my at-home photo therapy and creativity/productivity process was to try to recreate, with Susan Sammon’s help, a photo similar to the photo of Jimmy Stewart in the movie “Rear Window.” Good fun and good creativity. (FYI: I was in a wheelchair like Jimmy Stewart.)

Productivity and creativity to the rescue 8.0.


Another part of my at-home therapy was making the commitment to improve my bass guitar playing. It was a ton of fun learning new songs and trying new techniques.

Productivity and creativity to the rescue 9.0.


Seven weeks after surgery, and after spending lots of time in bed and on my computer, I resumed my twice-a-day, one-hour bike ride here in Westchester, New York.

Productivity and creativity to the rescue 10.0 . . . big time!

Well my friends, I hope my experience illustrates the quote, “You don't drown by falling in water; you only drown if you stay there.”

Good luck with all your ventures and adventures.


P.S. Always go where you are looking, which may prevent you from breaking your ankle.

Photo Therapy Facebook Group Info

Shortly after the pandemic started, I started the Photo Therapy Facebook Group - a private group where photographers could post their images and share their stories, which is good photo therapy.

Within about two months we had 2,000+ members, and we are growing day by day. The images are amazing, inspiring, and motivating.

We have awesome moderators: Alec Arons, Linda Marshall, Juan Pons, and Jim Griggs.

If you’d like to join the group, or if you are new to the group, here is some info that will help you get the most out of your membership.

- A place to get motivated and stay inspired.
- A place to share your thoughts and ideas on the power of pictures - and what your photography means to you.
- A place to grow as a photographer by understanding what your photography means to you.
- A place with no political posts!

To become a member, you must answer the Group questions and follow the Group rules. When inviting friends, please pass along that important info.

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When you post an image, please be sure to add a Topic after you post your image. You need to be on your computer or iPad). Just click on edit and you will see Add a Topic as an option.

Adding a Topic will help other find similar images - and help us find your images for our Happy Hour/Review Sessions. Read on.

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Each Thursday at 5 PM Eastern we have a one-hour Happy Hour/Photo Review session - LIVE on our Group page (and posted the next day on our YouTube channel). Each week we have a different Topic. The LIVE event is a wonderful place to comment on the images we review and to learn. Juan Pons and I are the reviewers, and Alec Arons is our moderator. Comments are posted on our Facebook Group page, not on our YouTube page.

And each Monday we have a Monday Meditation guided by Linda Marshall and produced by Alec Arons.

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Each Wednesday we choose a member’s photo for our banner photo. We choose the photo based on subject matter - and how it will looked cropped. We have many wonderful images that would be ruined if we crop them . . . so please keep this in mind when you see the image.

I came up with the idea for the Photo Therapy Facebook Group after writing my book, Photo Therapy Motivation and Wisdom. This book, my 40th, has no photographs (unlike my other 39 books). I wrote the book because knowing why you take pictures, and understanding the psychology of photography, is the key to becoming a good photographer.

Take good care, and please stay safe!

P.S. So something good was born out of bad times. Something else came out of stressful times: my 41 book, Photo Quest - discovering your photographic and artistic voice, was released in May 2020, when thing were very bad in New York, where I live. This book, like Photo Therapy, has only words - not only my words, but words of wisdom from 33 of today’s top photographers. If you are searching for your “voice,” you have come to the right place.