Light is the main element in every photograph. No light, no photograph. That's the point I make in my Kelby Training class on Light. Once we learn how to see and capture light, we are on our way to making good photographs . . . which is different than simply taking pictures.
Here's my favorite "chasing the light" experience. We are on safari in Kenya and, off in the distance, we see two giant rain storms coming together. Several giraffes were in the scene.
I envisioned a photograph of a giraffe between the two storm clouds, the animal's head isolated against the blue sky background. Isolating a subject's head, as I also did in the photograph below of our driver/guide Moses, is a good composition technique.
Envisioning the end result is important. Basically, if you envision the end-result (set a goal), you'll get a higher percentage of "keepers."
We had to move fast. I asked Moses to speed up, go left, go right, slow down, back up, and so on, until we were in exactly the right position to catch the light at the best possible angle.
I shot with my Canon 5D Mark II and Canon 24-105mm IS lens set at 55mm. We were that close! The Canon 24-105mm IS lens, by the way, is my favorite lens. Versatile and super sharp.
So my friends, chase and capture the light, which is what we do on my workshops. Great fun!
Explore the light,
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