Day 5: Six Days of Canon EOS 6D Images From Route 66 — Rick Sammon Photography

Day 5: Six Days of Canon EOS 6D Images From Route 66

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It's Day 5 in my blog series: 6 Days of Canon 6D Images from Route 66. Each day I will post a few of my favorite images along with some photography tips - from the "Mother Road." Hope you enjoy the "ride."

Location: Holbrook, AZ

I had a productive early morning shoot at the Wigwam Hotel, where you can actually sleep in a wigwam. "To each his own," as my dad used to say.

The wigwams are cool, but the setting is made even cooler by the vintage cars that are parked in the parking lot.

During my shoot I came up with a new Sammonism: "See Through It, Shoot Through It."​ (My other Sammonisms are listed on my About/Contact page.)

The concept of the new Sammonism is to use an interesting subject as a foreground element while having an interesting subject in the background – and to get everything in focus . . . just as it looks to our eyes. Toss in creative composition and you have a killer shot.

I teach all this stuff on my workshops. If you can't make a workshop, I cover this stuff in my Kelby Training classes.

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I took the opening image for this post with my Canon 15mm lens, which is one of my favorite lenses, along with the Canon 14mm lens, for inside/outside car shots. That lens has been replaced by the Canon 8-15mm zoom, which is an awesome lens.​

​The opening image is a hand-held HDR image produced in Nik HDR Efex Pro. Read about HDR Efex Pro and all the plug-ins I use on my Save on plug-ins page.​

Tip: HDR is often needed in inside/outside shots.

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Above: Here I shot with my Canon 17mm-40mm lens and used the side of the car as the foreground element, being careful not to crop out the door handles. I wanted one of the wigwams framed in the windshield.

Tip: Set your lens at f/22, as I did here, for max depth-of-field.​

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Above: ​At first glance, this may not look like a "See Through It, Shoot Through It" image. But if you look through the read window of the car in the foreground, you'll see a cool, blue 1959 Chevy Impala framed in the window. This is another Canon 17-40mm lens shot.

Tip: Watch the background – like a hawk.​

I hope you have some fun with my latest Sammonism.​ It's a fun - and effective - composition technique.

If you are interested in buying a Canon 6D, check out Adorama. If you want to rent one, perhaps for a road trip, check out

All the gear I've packed for this trip is listed here.

Okay, it's time to get back on the road.

Explore the light,

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