Why I Enjoy Giving My Creative Visualization Seminars

Each year, I give more than a dozen Creative Visualization seminars (most are sponsored by Canon USA as part of the Canon Explorers of Light program). I thoroughly enjoy giving these seminars - which range from two to six hours. Here's why:

1) I get to meet inspiring people. For example, this past weekend, during my Carlisle, PA Canon Explorers of Light presentation, it was an honor to meet D. Craig Flory (pictured with me). This man (photographer/Photoshop Instructor) is amazing. An inspiration.

Talking with Craig brought a tear (more than one to be honest) to my eye. He had a stroke a few years ago. His business card reads: Ischemic Stroke Survivor, May 30th, 2010.

He told me, with a slight smile, "Stokes Suck."

During my presentation I talked about the Four Levels of Learning. Santana (who is at the 4th level) came up.

Because it's a bit hard for my new friend to speak, he wrote the note you see here and handed it to me during a break. It was one of several notes he gave me to during my talk.

Friends: What happen to my new friend could happen to any of us. Make every day count, as D. Craig Flory does - with a smile!

2) I get to meet talented photographers, like Shari Ferguson, who, during our after-dinner critique session, shared the picture of her daughter, Bailie, you see on the top right. I love the mood of the photograph. Shari was just one of several talented photographers I met in Carlisle.

 3) Giving presentations keeps me fresh – because I am always "refreshing" my talks with new images and information. What's more, I am always mixing up my talks – never giving the exact same talk twice.

4) I learn new stuff via the questions asked by the folks in the audience. Learning is health.

5) I enjoying teaching all aspects of photography. In Carlisle, after giving my Creative Visualization talk, I gave a one-hour speedlite session, which was followed by my "Top Ten Techniques to Get Inspired" talk. Thank you, Craig, for taking the photo of me teaching during the speedlite session!

I have a few more seminars this year. I hope to see some of you as I travel around the country.

And to all those who inspire me at my talks, a big "thank you."

Explore the light,

P.S. Creative Visualization is the process in which you envision the end result, as illustrated in this before-and-after pair of Iceland images.

We need to envision how different apertures, shutter speeds, exposures, lenses and different composition techniques effect an image.

We need to envision the effect of light on a scene, and how that light is recorded.

Finally, we need to visualize all the creative possibilities that await us in the digital darkroom - using Lightroom, Photoshop and plug-ins.

And most important, we need to visualize the mood or feeling we are trying to create. After all, it's the mood that matters most.

I also teach Creative Visualization on all my workshops.

In closing, count your blessing. Every day.