Removing the color from an image often results in a more compelling photograph.
We have all heard about Black Friday. Well, I am officially designating the day after Thanksgiving as National Black and White Friday. Hey, if someone can come up with National Talk Like a Pirate Day, I can come up with National Black and White Friday.
Here's how it works. On Friday, use Nik Silver Efex Pro to create your best black-and-white image. If you don't have this awesome plug-in, you can save 15% when you use this code – RSAMMON - upon check out from the Nik Web site.
Actually, that code is good for all Nik plug-ins. Check 'em out while you are on the site.
Important: you must imbed your name in the image, as I have done in the images you see here.
Send me a link - link only - to your image via email. I'll grab the image. All submissions must be received by midnight on Friday. Only one image per person.
I'll assemble my 10 favorite images into a special gallery here on my blog. Galleries, by the way, are a cool feature of a Squarespace web site.
I'll pick my favorite image and send that person, if he or she lives in the United Sates, a copy of my book, Exploring the Light.
In addition, my friends at Nik Software have donated three prizes:
• My choice for the best image gets the Complete Collection.
• My two runners-up images get to pick an individual Nik Software product.
You have the opportunity to share your creative image, and vision, with the world. I'll post the gallery in mid December.
But wait until Friday to create your black and white image. I'll have a special guest blogger who will give you some added inspiration.
For now, my top technical tip for using Nik Silver Efex Pro is to learn about the effects of different color filters on a black and white image. My top philosophical tip: follow your heart and create an image that you like, not what someone else may like.
Here's a photo tip for my cowboy image: The closer you are to the subject, the more intimate the photograph becomes.
I teach Photoshop, Lightroom and plug-ins on my workshops. Join one and awaken the artist within.
Come back on Friday!
If you like stuff like this, you can subscribe to my blog here.
Explore the light,
P.S. Careful composition and a good exposure were important in the making of these two photographs. You can learn more about exposure and composition in my Kelby Training classes - 24/7. Check out the classes on my On-line classes page.