Pen Tablet

Rick's Product Pick of the Week: Wacom Intuos5 Small Pen Tablet

My product pick this week is the Wacom intuos5 Small Pen Tablet. I am using the USB model. A wireless kit is sold separately.

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I've been using Wacom tablets at home for years. Now I take this small, compact and lightweight model on the road with me when I'm teaching my digital photography workshops and giving my seminars.

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If you work (and play) in Photoshop or Lightroom, and burn and dodge, and selectively adjust specific areas of an image, the Wacom Pen Tablet is the way to go - because you can use the pressure-sensitive Pen like an artist uses a paintbrush and the Tablet like a canvas. That's how I enhanced the above image, which I took during a workshop in Venice, Italy.

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What's cool about the Wacom Pen Tablet is that you can customize the controls - like an artist mixes paints. But there's more: you can actually use your fingers on the tablet for additional creative control (including zoom, pan and tilt). Note: the ghost image of a painting that you may see in the above image is an image I'm working on for a project.

As I mentioned, I have the Wacom Intuos5 Small Pen Tablet. For at-home, all-the-time use, check out the Large model.


Here's another image that I enhanced with the help of my Wacom Pen Tablet. Try signing your name on an image with a mouse. :-)

Explore the light,

P.S. Both of the subjects in these images were lit with the same equipment: Canon Speedlite in the Westcott Apollo Softbox.  All my gear is listed on My Gear Page.