Hudson River Photography Workshops Final Day: Studio Shoot — Rick Sammon Photography

Hudson River Photography Workshops Final Day: Studio Shoot

Today at the Hudson River Photography Workshops we had a cool guest instructor, Vered Koshlano, co-author of my Studio and On-Location Lighting Secrets book. In my den, we set up a single Westcott Spiderlite in a soft box and a Westcott reflector (to fill in some of the shadows created by the single light). The exercise: create beautiful studio lighting with a very simple set up.

One of the keys to this type of portrait: don't aim the light directly at the subject. Rather, angle it slightly in front of and away from the subject so that a nice soft and even light illuminates the subject.

Our model was Bella Paula. Vered brought some props, we added some photo know-how, and all the students made great images.

Good fun and learning for all.

Explore the light,